Governance and Administration

Office of the Provost

Message to Students-Continuity of Teaching/Learning

Dear Students,

We hope you and your families are safe and well in these difficult times. We have been closely monitoring the unfolding and distressing events, fully aware of the possible impact of these events on the university. In the absence of any governmental decision to close colleges and universities or to convert to alternative modes of teaching, we will continue delivering our in-person courses as planned. If the situation escalates further, LAU will follow governmental directives.

Furthermore, in order to ensure the safety of our community while safeguarding the teaching and learning process, we have developed an Academic Emergency Response Plan (AERP) that aims at managing academic operations during periods of security challenges. It defines four emergency levels and sets LAU’s strategies for mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery for each level.

In light of the above, the following will apply during the current emergency level as defined by the AERP:

  1. In-person instruction and assigned exams will remain in place on both campuses.
  2. Those of you who are obliged to travel and plan to continue your studies at LAU this semester must submit a special request to your pertinent school. Your request should include your specific plans and proof of your travel. The contact emails for each school are provided below. If your request is approved:
    1. You will be temporarily exempt from course attendance policy if applicable.
    2. Instructors will work to accommodate you with a range of resources and tools that are available to them and that can support your learning.
    3. Based on the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE), exams need to be conducted using a face-to-face modality.  You may opt for an Incomplete if not back by the end of the semester or sit for your examinations at a university or center near your location.  You will be given further instructions in due time if this situation applies to you.
    4. Students who are enrolled in experiential courses such as labs and clinical rotations will also be assigned an Incomplete grade and will need to make up all the missed work.
  3. In case of new developments or a change in the situation triggering a different level of the AERP, or any pertinent governmental directives, you will be promptly informed of the updated guidelines for teaching and learning, which may include a shift to hybrid or online modalities.

For more help and guidance and to request special accommodation in case of travel, please contact your school at the support email address listed below:

We realize that students will have different circumstances and urge you to communicate any specific needs to your instructors and advisors. Please rest assured that we are fully committed to your safety and wellbeing and will do our utmost to support you in completing your studies successfully.


George Nasr, Ph.D.