Governance and Administration

Office of the Provost

University Curriculum Council


The University Curriculum Council (UCC) reviews and recommends actions on curriculum-related requests and proposals received from appropriate bodies of the university. It will:

  1. Review all requests for changes in undergraduate curricula. Special attention and consideration will be given to the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum or to programs that have a cross-disciplinary nature.
  2. Establish and monitor a periodic review process of the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum in concurrence with the Council of Deans.
  3. Periodically review the Academic Rules and Regulations in concurrence with the appropriate university body.
  4. Recommend new ideas and techniques for increasing teaching and learning effectiveness.
  5. Review and recommend evaluation techniques and examinations to assess programs in terms of content, student ability, student achievement and teaching effectiveness.


The UCC is composed of two elected senators: one elected faculty member representing each distinct operating school, and one student representative selected by the University Student Council. The provost and the registrars will also be ex-officio non-voting members.


The elected senators and faculty members serve a three-year term. Membership on the council will be staggered.

Method of Operation

The council sends its recommendations to the Council of Deans.
