SP Reporting
Digitizing SP Reporting
In a bold move to accurately track progress on its five-year Strategic Plan (SP), the Lebanese American University (LAU) adopted a digitalized process covering the definition of action steps at unit and school level, to holistic graph summaries highlighting the coarse-grained strategic pillars and goals at the university level. One major problem with SP implementation and reporting is the inherent difficulty in acquiring and compiling data from different university units and schools to track and evaluate work on the SP.
Since the inception of its first five-year SP more than 15 years ago through to SP-III, SP planning and reporting was conducted using legacy text-based and spreadsheet-based editing software. This led to gaps in reporting, difficulties merging the reports across schools, and a propensity to report only final outcomes rather than interim progress. Seeking a holistic solution, the Provost’s Office addressed this problem by adopting a customized software-based solution for the implementation and tracking of its current SP: SP-IV 2022-27.
The SP software was developed in AY 2022-23, and was put into action in AY 2023-24. It is a cloud-based multi-tenant solution, using Microsoft Office 365 database technology to store and manipulate SP data. Every unit and school (i.e., every tenant) has a dedicated software account to access its own SP data. The data includes a fully digitized version of the SP, from Pillars, Goals, Actions, Action steps, to status reporting, statistical reporting, allocated budgets, supporting documents, and reporting comments.
While the previous versions of the SP were designed for yearly reporting (i.e., setting targets and reporting on their statuses for every AY separately), the new SP software focuses on cumulative reporting with respect to the whole duration of the SP, adding SP-level targets and SP-level records in relationship to their yearly counterparts. Units and schools can fine-tune their reporting by dynamically choosing to disregard SP items they are not involved in, allowing for improved statistical visibility of the SP data. The solution also allows for production of a battery of automated reports describing yearly, aggregated, and cumulative SP targets, action steps, and action items, providing each unit and school, as well as for the Provost’s Office, full visibility regarding progress of every aspect of the SP.
More advanced reporting features are available to the Provost’s Office to track and compare the evolution of the SP between units and schools, and across the university. Furthermore, the SP structure can be dynamically updated and reflected automatically for each tenant. Improvements in the near future include advanced data mining and data processing capabilities through dedicated machine learning and deep language models, to perform aspect inference, evidence-based analysis, and other advanced knowledge processing. Most importantly, the SP software solution serves to keep the SP at the forefront of everybody’s mind at LAU, which fundamentally promotes progress on the goals of the plan.
SP Oversight Committee
The Strategic Plan Oversight Committee or SPOC plays a key role in monitoring and guiding the implementation of the strategic plan to ensure proper institutional effectiveness. The SPOC implements the reporting mechanism that aids in monitoring the action plans and assessments performed by various university divisions. It also serves as a hub for effective communication, providing feedback and recommendations for improvements across all levels of the university.
Members of the SPOC:
- Adnan Kassar School of Business: Dr. Silva Karkoulian
- Alice Ramez Chagoury School of Nursing: Dr. Bahia Abdallah
- Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine: Dr. Rajaa Akoury
- School of Pharmacy: Dr. Mohammed Mehanna
- School of Architecture: Mr. Farid Jreidini
- School of Arts and Science: Dr. Sandra Rizk
- School of Engineering: Dr. Jean Chatila
- Graduate Studies and Research: Dr. Walid Marrouch
- Department of Institutional Research and Assessment: Dr. Diane Nauffal
- Center for Innovative Learning: Dr. Jordan Srour
- LAU Libraries: Dr. Jordan Srour
- Student Development and Enrollment Management: Mr. Abdo Ghie
- Information Technology: Mr. Camille Abou-Nasr,
- Facilities Management: Mr. Georges Hamouche and Ms. Dania Dibsi
- Advancement: Mr. Gabi Abiad, Mr. Abdallah El Khal, and Mr. Saad El Zein
- Global Affairs Service Center: Mr. Sleiman Barada
- Associate Provost for International Education and Programs: Dr. Barbar Akle
- Provost Office: Ms. Maya Choueiri
- Assistant Provost for Strategic Planning and Academic Initiatives and Collaborations: Dr. Joe Tekli