2013 Archives
TEDxLAU Call for Speakers

Student election results
Student elections guidelines
Late payment of tuition fees
Message from the President
In the past week, LAU students have expressed themselves eloquently, assertively and, for the most part, peacefully about the university’s tuition changes. From the moment we received the first petition on Sept. 30 stating the grounds for the protest, the deans of students embraced their concerns and invited all students on both campuses to meet with me for a discussion on this matter. On Oct. 4, I met with over 200 students in Beirut, praised their organized and valid lobbying, presented the academic and financial obligations of the university and engaged in an extensive Q & A. The students provided personal and moving testimonies to the financial hardships their parents face in this economically depressed country. While our financial aid budget increased by 14% to about 19 million dollars, it is evident that many of our students are hurting and that we need to do more. Increasing the amount of money available for financial aid has always been a top fundraising priority for me. Later today I’m meeting with students in Byblos and look forward to hearing their concerns.
In the meantime, both deans of students facilitated sit-ins on both campuses and disseminated the invitations to all students via email. In the past 2 days, the deans were present in the midst of the peaceful gatherings, encouraging students to speak out and carry banners, while reminding students not to violate the “Code of Conduct” by blocking buildings and disrupting classes.
On Oct. 7 in Beirut, after a peaceful gathering at LAU’s upper gate, four “students” entered a number of classrooms and one of them told the instructors that the “dean of students” has given them permission to address students and talk to instructors to dismiss classes. As unknowing instructors let their students out, the dean discovered the four in conversation with an instructor. He requested their ID cards and asked them to step off campus pending an investigation as they had violated the “Code of Conduct” and falsely represented him. Although one of the four had already graduated from LAU, we consider them all as LAU sons and daughters and the dean of students has since called to meet with each one individually. Under no condition were these four expelled or suspended from LAU.
On a related note, enrolled LAU students are, of course, allowed on campus. This is their university. In addition, I have instructed the Business Offices on both campuses to be attentive to students needing deferred payment and/or installment plans. The university has also softened its policies on financial aid application deadlines and appeals. In brief, all student cases warranting special financial attention will be attended to with the speed and care characteristic of LAU.
In the past few years, we’ve worked very closely with students to reform elections and strengthen student governance. Elected student councils have student members on every university council and the administration always encourages student representatives to attend all meetings. We need to continue to make sure that student input is successfully included in important decisions at the university, including, those relating to the operating budget, capital projects and the strategic plan. The students are justified in complaining about inadequate equipment in certain areas and insufficient library hours. We are now taking the necessary steps to address these and many more requests that are needed to ensure that their LAU education is world-class.
In the past week, our students have exhibited a level of protest that is apolitical, well organized and about issues that matter. We are proud of our students and together we can build a stronger LAU and keep it a beacon of hope for all of us.
Joseph G. Jabbra,
Lebanese American University
LAU Writing Center opening hours
The LAU Writing Center, located in Nicol 206 (Beirut campus), welcomes undergraduate and graduate students from any discipline to share any text, at any stage of the writing process, with writing tutors who will guide them in a nondirective style.
The opening hours are:
- Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM ;
- Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Orientation for new students
Message to the community
Dear colleagues and friends,
Yesterday our country experienced yet another tragedy.
The hearts of our neighbors, families and friends are filled with profound sadness, grief and pain. We pray to God Almighty to heal hearts, provide solace and protect the future of our beloved Lebanon. With our neighbors, families and friends in our thoughts, we urge you to take a moment of silence today to pray for the innocent souls that were tragically lost and for the wounded to heal.
Our deepest condolences go out to all of those who have been affected by these tragic and sad events.
Joseph G. Jabbra,
Registration for the August Summer camp at the Early Childhood Center
The ECC is running a summer camp program throughout the months of July & August 2013. The daily schedule starts from 8:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. and includes water activities, sports, messy art, cooking, music and movement, storytelling and other educational games.
If interested, please contact us:
- By phone: +961-1-786456 (Ext: 1965)
- By email: ecc@lau.edu.lb
Commencement website
Find everything you need to know about the graduation ceremonies—including how to prepare, what’s the dress code, where to get photos, and much more—on the Commencement website.
LAU Career Fair 2013
Vote for your favorite LAU colleague at the Young Achievers Program competition
Vote for your LAU colleague to win the Bank of Beirut Yound Achievers Program (BOB YAP) award.
The deadline is June 5, 2013.
See attachment for details.
Open-house Week at the Early Childhood Center
The ECC is organizing an open-house week from April 22 to April 30 on a walk-in basis. All interested parents are welcome to visit and take a tour of ECC premises with their children, meet the staff and learn more about our unique educational approach. The ECC is located on the Beirut Campus, Shannon Hall, ground floor.
School of Business GA timesheets now online
We are glad to announce that graduate assistants at the School of Business can now fill out their timesheets online, at the following address: https://webapps.lau.edu.lb/gatimesheet. If you need any help or further information please see Mr. Hisham Hashash, BB 1401, Beirut campus.
LAU ID for spring 2013
Late payment of tuition fees
New Single Sign-On for all student applications
Effective Monday March 4th, all students will be asked for their LAU username (as per the LAU email) and password, instead of their student ID # and pin, to be able to access the below applications:
• Banner
• Financial Aid decisions and assignment
• Financial aid and student employment timesheets
• Student employment portal
N.B. With this Single Sign-On (SSO), once a student enters an application, he/she will be logged in to all the other applications with no need to re-enter his/her username and password. Students need to remember to sign out prior to leaving their computer.
University closed on February 14
In compliance with the governmental decision, all LAU offices will be closed on Thursday February 14, 2013.
Project Management Professional (PMP) classes at LAU
If you are interested in obtaining a globally recognized certification that gives project managers a solid foundation on leadership skills, CEP will be offering Project Management Professional (PMP) classes as of February 18, 2013 at LAU Beirut. For further information contact Ms. Ruba Khoury on 01-786456 ext: 1964.
CEP workshop
A thorough understanding of legal contracts is a must nowadays. Join the Continuing Education Program on March 2 for a one-day workshop that combines legal theories with a practical approach on real-life situations, discussions and practice in drafting contracts and settling cases.
To register, or for more information, call CEP at LAU/Safadi Cultural Center, Tripoli, on 1290 extension 222, or email cep.north@lau.edu.lb.
Opportunity to provide feedback: School of Nursing accreditation
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at Lebanese American University is seeking initial accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), an autonomous accrediting body recognized by the US Department of Education. An on-site review is scheduled for April 24-26, 2013. As required by CCNE, the School of Nursing invites third party comments pertaining to our BSN program’s qualifications for accreditation. You may submit written, signed comments by regular mail or email to:
Catherine Sneed, MEd, Accreditation Coordinator
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
1 Dupont Circle, NW Suite 530
Washington, DC 20036
Your comments will be accepted until March 23, 2013. CCNE shares third party comments with members of the accreditation review team prior to the visit. At no time during or after the review process are the comments shared with the program.
Thank you for your support.
All Byblos final exams of Thursday Jan. 24 move to Thursday Jan. 31
CEP workshop and courses
- Are you aware of your employment rights and privileges? Be the first to register with CEP for the Lebanese Labor Law workshop offered on January 18 at LAU, Beirut Campus. Places are limited. For more information contact us on 01-786456 extension 1953/1957 or email workshops@lau.edu.lb.
- Looking for career advancement in the financial sector? CEP @ LAU is offering the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®) course. Classes begin on January 21 at LAU Beirut Campus. Register today. For more information contact 01-786456 ext. 1964 or email: cfa@lau.edu.lb.
- Registration is open for the Professional in Human Resources (PHR®) and Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR®) programs. Classes begin on January 22. Contact CEP office for reservation and information on 01-786456 ext. 1964 or email: phr@lau.edu.lb.
WELCOME scholarships information session
LAU cordially invites students to learn about the WELCOME scholarship program, Monday January 7, 12-1 PM, in BB 903, Beirut campus.
The session will be led by the coordinator of the project, from the Politecnico Di Torino University, Italy, who will give an overview of the scholarship program and answer your questions. If you’re interested, don’t miss this session.
Non-LAU students should show their student ID at the gate.
CEP workshops
Business Etiquette
The CEP is offering a one-day workshop about Business Etiquette on January 12 at LAU Beirut. For more information and reservation contact the CEP Office on 01-786456 extension 1957 or email cep.workshops@lau.edu.lb. Seats are limited.
Lebanese Labor Law
Are you aware of your employment rights and privileges? Be the first to register with CEP for the Lebanese Labor Law workshop offered on January 18 at LAU, Beirut Campus. Places are limited. For more information contact us on 01-786456 extension 1953/1957 or email workshops@lau.edu.lb