Apply to LAU

LAU Testing Center

The Lebanese American University is now an official SAT Testing Center in Lebanon:

In addition to the English Entrance Exam (EEE), we are now facilitating:

  • College Board: Digital SAT
    Providing students with the opportunity to take the Digital SAT. Register Here
    Supports students in achieving their English language proficiency goals. Register for IELTS

With these offerings, LAU is committed to empowering students to reach their full potential on an international scale.

LAU administers the English Entrance Exam (EEE), which measures your level of proficiency in English. It is one of the tests LAU accepts when assessing candidates for admission.

EEE Schedule and Preparation 

Exam Date  Time  Campus  Registration Deadline
Sessions have a limited capacity and may fill up before the deadline
 Sat. March.15 09:30 am Beirut/ Byblos March.09
 Sat. March.22 09:30 am Beirut/ Byblos March.16
 Sat. April.12 09:30 am Beirut/ Byblos April.06
 Sat. April 26 09:30 am Beirut/ Byblos April 15
 Sat. May 10 09:30 am Beirut / Byblos May. 04
 Sat. May 24 09:30 am Beirut/ Byblos May.18

EEE schedule will be updated on a regular basis. All upcoming new sessions will be announced on our website. Please keep checking the schedule section for future updates.

Test Description

Download the EEE Test Preparation Guide ( AY 24-25).docxEEE Sample.docx to help you prepare for the exam. Please contact the Academy of Continuing Education at LAU if you wish to take English courses to prepare for the test

EEE Registration

After you’ve applied to LAU, you can register for the EEE using your LAU Portal username and password. 

To be able to register online, you need to: 

Please note the following:


Reschedule/ Cancellation/ Program Acceptance Requirement Policy

Rescheduling: In case you have a valid excuse and you need to reschedule at the last minute, email us and we will study your case. 

Cancellation: If you failed to attend without prior notification, your test will be canceled with no refund. 

Program Acceptance Requirement: A refund will be issued in case a registered student is not required to take the exam.

Testing Policies & Procedures

We require exam takers to follow these policies and procedures.    

What to bring on exam day


Cellphones/personal items

Test info

Suspicious behavior             

  • You must not cheat or behave improperly.
  • You must not communicate with other test takers during the test.
  • We reserve the right to investigate any suspicious behavior. Your test may be stopped by the supervisor and your test score will be pending the results of the investigation.

         Please note the following:

  • Parents and other non- participants are not allowed to enter the campus.
  • Bring only essential items such as your ID and a water bottle.
  • Leave immediately after completing the test.
  • Respect the instructions displayed on campus or provided by LAU personnel.
  • Inform the Testing Services office about any underlying health condition or any immunosuppressive status to accommodate the seat accordingly.

In case you are feeling sick and need to reschedule your exam, kindly email us

EEE Results

Kindly note that test results MAY NOT be given over the phone or by email. You can find them on the Portal.

To obtain an Official Score Attestation Letter you need to:

  1. Complete a Score-Attestation-Request-Form.pdf
  2. You will receive an e-form via email once it is complete. You can obtain the Score Attestation Letter in person by visiting Testing Services and showing your ID. 

EEE Frequently Asked Questions 

Who must take the EEE exam?

English is the official language of instruction at LAU and newly admitted applicants can demonstrate their proficiency in the language by getting the minimum required score on the EEE test.

What is on the EEE test?

The English Entrance Examination focuses on assessing the student’s ability in grammar, writing, vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

How can I study/prepare for the test?

Download the _EEE Session Guide- AY 24-25.pptx / EEE Sample.docx to help you prepare for the exam.

Please contact the Academy of Continuing Education at LAU if you wish to take English courses to prepare for the test

How long will the test take?

The EEE session lasts 2 hours. The testing period is 1hour and 40 minutes. We allow 20 minutes for administration.

Where can I view my EEE test scores?

You can view your EEE results on the Portal.

What do I need to bring with me on placement testing day?

You need to bring the registration payment confirmation (email) and your original valid identity card (هوية), personal civil status record, or passport .We will provide all other testing materials (pen, pencil and scratch paper). Students who do not present an original ID with a photo on it will not be allowed to take the test.

What not to bring to the Exam room?

Don’t bring any electronic equipment or communication devices to the exam room (phones, smartwatches or wearable technology of any kind, portable listening or recording devices…). Only a water bottle is allowed. Food and beverage are not permitted. 

Can I take the EEE test more than once?

Yes, you can retake the test. However, you must wait at least one month before taking the test again.