Career Opportunities

Chair of the Department of Architecture & Interior Design

School of Architecture & Design

Lebanese American University

Department of Architecture & Interior Design

Byblos & Beirut Campuses


The School of Architecture & Design at the Lebanese American University is looking for a new Chair for the Department of Architecture & Interior Design. As the School operates on two campuses [Beirut & Byblos], the Chair of the Department will be responsible for all the programs that fall under this department on both campuses, assisted by an Associate Chair.

The Department of Architecture & Interior Design offers undergraduate degrees in architecture and interior design, as well as a graduate program in Islamic art. The architecture program is NAAB accredited, and the interior design program is NASAD accredited. For more information on the School, please check the following link:

The Chair of the Department will be responsible for managing the department, scheduling course offerings, overseeing the delivery of courses, shepherding the NAAB accreditation process, enhancing the academic standards of the various programs, and contributing to the school strategic planning.

The ideal candidate should be at the Associate Professor rank or above, have a record of administrative experience in addition to teaching and research. The Chairmanship is typically a 3-year term, renewable upon mutual satisfaction and with the support of the faculty. In the event of non-renewal of the Chair position, the candidate would return to their rank and teach the regular load. 

Minimum qualifications are: Masters in Architecture, Interior Design or any closely related field, in addition to administrative experience.

Interested candidates should submit the following by email to:

Application Deadline: November 1, 2024 (or until the position is filled).


The Lebanese American University is an Equal Opportunity Employer operating in Lebanon under a charter from the Regents of the State University of New York. Information about the University can be found at