
LAUers in More Ways than One

Amal & Tony Abdel Massih

To our daughter,

After these challenging four years, we are proud to finally call you “our engineer”. We know the amount of effort you put in trying to make the best out of what seemed to be some of the most difficult years you have known.

Following your graduation, we take this opportunity to share with you one piece of advice that stuck with us throughout our life. As you embark on this new journey, filled with so many uncertainties, we tell you to take risks.

People of our generation know how difficult it is to take risks, especially when they could have cost us our lives back in the day. But this made us understand the tremendous importance of not confining ourselves to our safety zones. It is easy for all of us to remain stagnant in our comfort zones, and we forget to look out for new adventures. Though we find comfort in what we know, we will keep on reminding you to always step into the unknown and to face your fears. 

Do not shy away from challenge. They say challenge is another word for opportunity, and we agree with this wholeheartedly. The only way for you to move closer to achieving your dreams is to take on every challenge that comes your way, and there will be many. Do not be afraid of failure, as each failure will hold a lesson you will keep close in your heart. Face each challenge with confidence, and know that even if you fail, there are many people around you ready to lift you back up. 

Finally, we tell you to always believe in yourself. You will face many situations when you may doubt the wisdom of your decisions, when you might fear failing in your next steps, and question whether to take a risk or remain where you are. Always believe that you can aim higher, and that you are capable of dealing with all that life has to offer.

There is a whole new world for you to discover, and it is just waiting for you to take the chance of stepping into it. Never be afraid to reach for your dreams and take every risk necessary to get to them. As challenging as it may be, the reward is worth every risk, mistake, fear, and much much more.

We are fortunate to be part of the same university!

Amal and Tony