
LAUers in More Ways than One

Paula & Samer Habre

To my son,

From holding you for the first visit to LAU in 2000, to walking you on campus as a toddler, to the magical moment when your father and I walked out to embrace you on stage with cheering colleagues is a milestone that we will cherish forever. At every LAU commencement ceremony, we march to celebrate our graduating students, but this time was special as you were among those students just like your brother was in 2017.

So many memories we share with you at LAU like attending the Christmas concerts or watching some of the theater major productions. The Beirut campus was not strange to you when you enrolled in 2018. It is unfortunate that you only spent a year and a half physically present on campus because of the pandemic, but during the time when you were attending classes in person, you clearly felt like LAU was your home, visiting us in our offices, greeting fellow faculty members and more importantly benefiting from the university’s extracurricular offerings like Model United Nations among others.

As you move to the next academic chapter, we have no doubt that you can surpass any impediment since you are equipped with the right tools to overcome upcoming challenges. Waiting to see you shine on another stage next year.

Paula Habre