
My Journey at LAU

Jana Sharara

My journey at LAU allowed me to foster the skill set I use both on the professional and personal levels. Serving as a board member of several clubs and the Model United Nations logistics team was particularly rewarding.

During that time, I developed an eye for visual design, which I believe is an essential skill to help spread educational messages more efficiently. I used to design the event posters, banners and prints that were displayed all over campus.

I now draw on these skills to create visual abstracts and artworks that simplify and explain medical information to the readers.

Thanks to LAU’s innovative methods of education, I was able to access the world of nephrology through social media and actively contribute to medical education.

Since joining LAU, I have grown into a mature, vocal, and confident individual.

The highlight of my journey during my premed years was the day I celebrated international women’s day, standing on the podium and applauding women in science. We had gathered for a seminar on the role of women as leaders in science, which is a topic that is dear to my heart: empowering women to dream big and choose their own paths, and it is our duty to encourage and support them.

During my clinical years, while conducting the morning report as part of my internal medicine rotation, I presented a rare case to a team of students, residents and attendants. The presentation was not only scientific and informative, but it also related a success story whereby a patient’s kidney had been saved and renal failure averted. While presenting, I could sense myself and those around me getting emotional. In fact, one of the many things I had learned about presenting is that the audience will pick up on how you feel about your presentation, so if you are to do it, then do it with love, or not at all.