Jessie Abou Arraj, Lead Graduation & Records Administrator, Registrar’s Office - Beirut
Thank you, COVID-19!
They say there is good in every evil. I can’t believe I am saying this but thank you COVID-19 for the: Confinement, earth and people needed that pause to heal nature and souls.
Online availability, which made working from home a reality with the paperless approach adopted at the Registrar’s Office.
Virtual experience that made family, friends, and colleagues more connected than ever.
Indispensable times spent with my family of five, which will forever be engraved in our minds and hearts.
Dream come true, for my children to have their mom at home, and for me to see them grow.
-, for the challenges along the way that made us more resilient: the stress to accept and adapt to the new situation (the coronavirus and economic crisis); the slow internet, which has to be mentioned; and the inescapable duties of cooking, cleaning and teaching, which made me appreciate the technology available to us today, and prepared my sons all the more for living alone.
19, they say you get to spend 18 summers with your kids before they become independent. Thank you for making them 19.
I am forever grateful for being part of LAU. It would have been very hard to be able to see all this “good” in COVID-19 had I not been embraced by the security that LAU provides to all of its family members.