Lebanese American University


Dr. Jabbra tackles globalization

Dr. Joseph Jabbra has added to his impressive list of publications by editing a compilation of essays on globalization that was published in 2005.


Dr. Joseph Jabbra has added to his impressive list of publications by editing a compilation of essays on globalization that was published in 2005.

“Administrative Culture in a Global Context” is a 297-page book jointly edited by LAU’s president and O.P. Dwivedi, with chapters on administrative culture and values as well as case studies from the U.S., U.K., Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The chapter on the Middle East was authored by Dr. Jabbra—a political scientist with a legal background—and his wife, Dr. Nancy Jabbra, an anthropologist and expert on women’s studies.

The authors seek to raise questions about whether internationally recognized models of globalization, notably the American cultural paradigm, can be made applicable worldwide and what administrative challenges that poses for governments.

According to a summary of the book, the editors “believe diversity in thought and action is more desirable than the self-proclaimed universal paradigms originating in the West and will ultimately lead to a just and sustainable world.”

Dr. Jabbra, who is author or co-author of 10 books, is a widely published scholar who firmly believes in research.

“Being an administrator in academia does not preclude my continued fascination with research and writing,” he said, adding that all faculty members have a responsibility to pursue such interests alongside their teaching duties.


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