Lebanese American University


Get a life scan!

More than 100 people gather to attend the fourth TEDxLAU salon. This one dedicated to “gaining control of one’s life.”

Students and professionals from all over Lebanon joined the LAU community to attend the most recent TEDxLAU salon, this one dedicated to the idea of “gaining control of your life.”

Hosted by the School of Arts and Sciences, it was the fourth TEDxLAU event since the series began in early 2012, and it gathered more than 100 people to the Beirut campus on January 14.

“The level of engagement in TEDx events is constantly growing, and the exceptional work of our student organizers leaves me in awe of their capabilities,” said Reine Azzi, TEDxLAU curator.

The two-hour session kicked off with engineer, trainer, and consultant Youssef Khoury discussing the notion of “Getting a Life SCAN,” a method he developed that aims to eliminate time wasting distractions and allow people to lead a more balanced life.

Other talks included Amy Cuddy’s famous discourse on how body language shapes who you are. The audience was captivated by her presentation of how our bodies can influence our minds and how a simple two-minute life hack, like assuming a powerful pose before entering into a stressful situation, can completely alter a person’s attitude and improve performance.

Another noteworthy talk by Derek Sivers focused on whether we should share our goals with people and voice them, or keep them to ourselves.

The final TED Talk introduced a 200-year life plan devised by contemporary Indian artist Raghava KK, in which people can digitally curate their futures to ensure that their legacy outlives their own life achievements.

“Words can’t express how much I loved the event!” said attendee Mona Akra. “Thank you so much, TEdxLAU, for all the amazing inspirations and for giving us a chance to be part of it all.”



While participants registered, TEDxLAU played a series of inspirational, creative and entertaining music videos.


To kick off his talk, Youssef Khoury demonstrated how people usually wake up ready to embrace all the projects they might have in mind but how the lack of proper planning can leave them incapable of finding the time needed to complete them.


Audience members took the opportunity to discuss the possibility of eliminating “time wasters” and the concept of saying ‘no’ to people.


TEDxLAU organizer Hala Hassan moved among the audience collecting their so-called “events to go down in history.” The events will be assembled to form the collective TEDxLAU 200-year plan.


TEDxLAU curator Reine Azzi asked the audience to assume a power pose after Amy Cuddy’s life lesson aimed at improving confidence levels.


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