Sara Khatib, RIP (1992-2014)
She graced LAU with her courage, determination and joyfulness in the face of tremendous adversity. Her example lives on.
She turned a bright face to the world and decided to enjoy life no matter what it brought on. That was Sara Khatib’s gift to all those who knew her, and she will remain an inspiration to many, long after her passing on September 5.
“I chose not to hide. I chose not to be Sara Khatib, the cancer patient and amputee, but to continue being Sara Khatib, the fourth-year pharmacy student who is clumsy, loves Nutella, and just happens to have cancer and a missing arm,” she said, beaming to a standing ovation and cheers from the audience on August 23, during a TEDxLAU talk.
The 22-year-old had endured tremendous hardship, having gone through an arm amputation followed by a relentless cancer that caused her constant pain.
None of that crushed her spirit, slowed her involvement in causes she believed in, or even deterred her from having fun. “You always have the option to smile in spite of your pain and enjoy every second of your life,” she said.
In Lebanon, Sara could not find a support group of people with similar disabilities, so she set out to create one. To make her wish a reality, faculty and students are continuing her drive (follow the link to join them).
LAU is deeply saddened by this loss and extends sincere condolences to Sara’s family.
Condolences will be accepted at AUB Alumni on Tuesday September 9, 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday September 10, 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
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