Lebanese American University


Two leaps forward for Advancement

In pictures — LAU’s Development office and Marketing and Communications Department have each won a Council for Advancement and Support of Education award.

In pictures —

LAU’s Development office and the Marketing and Communications Department have each won awards from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) in its annual District II Accolades.

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education is the largest international association of education institutions, and a leading resource for professional development, information, and standards in the fields of education fund raising, communications and alumni relations.

“District II of CASE represents over 700 institutions, including Columbia, Princeton, New York University, and Georgetown,” says Vice President for University Advancement Richard Rumsey. “It is gratifying to be acknowledged among such lofty peers.”


In the category of proposal writing, the development office won the silver for a planned library and nursing school partnership. The grant proposal was written by the division’s former Associate Director of Development Susan Cergol, and was conceived with the collaboration of Dr. Nancy Hoffart, professor and founding dean of the Alice Ramez Chagoury School of Nursing, and Cendrella Habre, director of LAU’s Riyad Nassar Library.

The proposal focuses on teaching information literacy to nursing students by integrating library expertise and electronic resources into the nursing curriculum.


In the individual advertising category, the Marketing and Communications won the bronze for its re-branding advertising campaign, a series of creative ads highlighting the university’s points of excellence that now regularly appear on the inside front cover of each issue of LAU Magazine.

The series of press ad were created as part of an initiative undertaken by the MarCom team — in partnership with Mind the Gap, a branding consulting agency — to reengineer the brand identity of the institution. According to those involved in the initiative, the goal was to create a public image that captures and reflects LAU’s pride in being a first-class institution with a solid foundation and history.


“The main idea was about keeping the best of tradition while embracing the future of LAU,” says Nayla Moujaes, assistant director in charge of branding at MarCom.

Karl Bassil, partner and creative director of Mind the Gap, expressed satisfaction at news of the award, adding that his firm has “very high hopes for the branding initiative’s ability to shed light on the university’s strengths and improve perceptions of it.”


The 2012 Accolades Award winners will be recognized at the District I and II conference on January 22-24, 2012 in New York City.

This is not the first time MarCom has received a CASE award for its work. In spring 2009, LAU Magazine and Alumni Bulletin won a silver award for its cover illustration.


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