A country is only as strong as its people. Likewise, the Lebanese American University (LAU) and its medical centers are only as strong as their human capital.
With this in mind, the institution has expended its resources to retain every one of its personnel who wish to stay onboard — without laying off a single employee — and has full intentions of continuing to do so.
Nevertheless, the country’s immense difficulties — including political instability, massive economic deterioration, an August 2020 nuclear-level explosion, and limited resources to fight COVID-19 — is contributing to a new wave of emigration among skilled workers, as well as those at LAU.
Without a doubt, at the heart of LAU and its medical centers is its professors, instructors, doctors, nurses, administrators, and staff. If fact, these highly skilled employees are precisely why students choose LAU over other universities. And it is why patients choose LAUMC-Rizk Hospital and LAUMC-Saint John’s Hospital over other medical providers.
For LAU and its medical centers to continue to prosper, provide an education to the nation’s youth, and serve its patients, as well as fight COVID-19, it must retain its workforce and attract even more talent.
However, the university has exhausted its resources, even going so far as to dip into its endowment. As a result, the LAU Talent Retention & Attraction Fund has been launched to support this important effort.
By raising resources for this critical fund, the institution will be able to maintain its pledge to not only keep its human capital but ensure they are given the opportunities, incentives, and support to stay at LAU, and ultimately, serve the nation.
A number of donors who recognize that Lebanon’s prosperity and stability depend on strong education and reliable medical care, like that offered by LAU, have already stepped up to give towards this important campaign. We ask you to stand with other donors who have pledged their support to LAU, Lebanon, and the country’s future.
All donations towards this talent retention initiative, whatever their size, will help greatly. You can support the LAU Talent Retention & Attraction Fund by making a donation right now.