Lebanese Central Bank Governor visits LAU Model UN students
Riad Salameh gave a lecture about Lebanon’s banking sector and met with LAU MUN secretariat and delegates, at LAU Beirut.
Riad Salameh, governor of the Lebanese Central Bank, discusses the global financial crisis and what effects it had in Lebanon, during a lecture at LAU Beirut, on March 20.
An LAU MUN delegate asks a question during the Q&A session following Salameh's lecture.
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The governor of the Lebanese Central Bank, Riad Salameh, visited LAU’s Beirut campus where he gave a lecture about Lebanon’s banking sector and met with the AL WALID GC-LAU Model United Nations secretariat and delegates, on Saturday, March 20.
At the event, held in the Irwin Hall Auditorium and organized by the LAU MUN program, Elie Samia, LAU MUN project leader who is also the director of the Guidance Office in Byblos, welcomed Salameh by giving the audience a brief biography about his career.
Samia stated the various awards Salameh has won, including the Euromoney Award’s Best Central Bank Governor in the Arab World (1996), Man of the Year as the Best Central Bank Governor (2003), Best Central Bank Governor in the Middle East (2005), Best Central Bank Governor in the World (2006), and The Banker Magazine’s Central Banker of the Year for the Middle East (2009).
In his lecture, Salameh discussed the global financial crisis and what role it played in Lebanon. He reinforced his confidence in the Lebanese banking sector stating that today Lebanese people are in turn gaining confidence in the Lebanese Pound and investing in it. “Our most valuable resource is our youth,” said Salameh.
After his lecture, Salameh opened the floor for a brief Q&A session with the delegates. When one young delegate asked Salameh, “When will Lebanon’s economy reach a state of total prosperity?” Salameh was quick to answer, “When economy replaces politics as the number one concern for the government and people.”
Then, LAU President Dr. Joseph Jabbra presented Salameh with an honorary trophy.
Salameh’s visit to LAU MUN helped the young delegates better understand how Lebanon managed to remain relatively unaffected by the global financial crisis.
Salameh’s visit and lecture came as part of a series of LAU MUN events that included a visit in February by Shehab Gargash, managing director of Daman Investments (PSC), a leading financial consultancy company in the United Arab Emirates — and also a finance mogul who hails from the 14th wealthiest family in the world.
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