LAU, Hariri Foundation and General Security celebrate success of collaboration
LAU leaders, the philanthropic development institution and the intelligence agency gathered with academics and officers to mark the latter’s completion of a tailor-made leadership training program.
Twenty-four members of Lebanon’s General Directorate of General Security were last week awarded certificates of completion in a ceremony to mark their successful engagement in a five-day training program implemented by LAU’s Outreach and Civic Engagement unit (OCE).
The program, conceptualized and supported by LAU and the Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development―headed by MP Bahia Hariri―through their ongoing partnership and Outreach and Leadership Academy (OLA), was centered on managerial creativity and included modules focused on outstanding service, quality management, emotional intelligence and conflict resolution.
“The workshop was tailor-made for the needs of General Security and designed in consultation with its General Director, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, and sitt Bahia Hariri,” noted Assistant Vice President for Outreach and Civic Engagement Elie Samia, who designed the program and delivered much of it to the cadre of recruits selected from among General Security’s top candidates.
Ibrahim, Hariri and LAU President Joseph G. Jabbra were present to commend and congratulate the cadre at the ceremony, held at the Beirut headquarters of General Security. “We are not here to be served, we are here to serve,” said Jabbra during his brief address, emphasizing LAU’s commitment to the program and the ongoing collaboration.
“We are very pleased with the successful outcome of this, the first of three phases of the leadership certification program,” said Samia of the long-term partnership that will see further workshops delivered to 7,000 General Security personnel.
“We are implementing a unique leadership program based on our creative leadership equation,” he added, referring to a formula he devised that incorporates 21 attributes associated with successful leadership, among them courteousness, flexibility, patience, playfulness and perseverance, as well as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual intelligence.
Phases two and three of the program will be designed based on the results of and feedback from Phase one, which marked the first direct training collaboration between OLA and General Security. Such collaboration between Lebanon’s security apparatus and academic and development institutions, said Hariri, is essential for the stability and prosperity of the country. “The world has become a small electronic village and we face various security challenges, including digital, human, vocational and environmental,” said the politician and philanthropist of the challenges the training program aims to help overcome.
Ibrahim also expressed the need for professional development in the pursuit of stability and security. “The creative professionalism we hope for is essential to strengthening the modern state. It ensures respect for citizens, saves effort and time and strengthens mental and intellectual capabilities.”
Read more about the various public and private partnerships in which the OCE is engaged at
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